There are numerous clients who have benefitted from our services to set auspicious time for special occasions depending on the Tara-Palan & Chandra-Palan (தாராபலன் - சந்திராபலன்), Caesarean time fixing based on the fortunate direction and planetary astrology prediction
(Except Sevvai Dosha (செவ்வாய் தோஷம்), Kaala Sarpa Dosha (கால-சர்ப தோஷம்), Kalathra Dosha (களத்ர தோஷம்) and Puthra
Dosha (புத்ர தோஷம்) times).
Marriage is a union of two souls. In order for those souls to live together for a hundred years in harmony...
So as to aid the Bride and the Bride-groom to live happily ever after...
We fix the best Caesarean time for Child birth based on the fortunate stages...
We can devise a comprehensive horoscope that can be used throughout the life on your own...
Using the Using the MAAYAA YEN and HIBRU, NAME CHART system, based on FORMAT NUMEROLOGY...
(Nrhopa Ntshsu; rq;f M];jhd N[hjplu;)
L - 8 Mde;j epiyak; MG `T];>
khzpf;fk;ghisak; `Trpq; A+dpl; <NuhL - 638 011.